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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
We are still the one
Today is a very special day, folks. It marks the 15th anniversary of my marriage to my best friend in the world and a truly remarkable woman in every sense of the word. It is also her birthday, so a double honor is in order. Her name is Diane, a name I believe is derived from Diana, the Roman goddess of the moon. That's appropriate, I think. She certainly has been, at times, the sole source of light in an otherwise dark, dark world. To say that her presence in my life at this particular moment was life-saving would not be the stretch that she would tell you it was.
We met those many years ago when she was dating the guitar player of the band I played with at the time. I believe with all my heart that we were attracted to each other from the moment we met. Once we got through the soap opera we found ourselves in, we dated, started living together, and eventually were married at my brother's home in Houston fifteen years ago today. Her two gorgeous daughters, Jennifer and Amanda, gave her away to me at the ceremony. They were 8 and 6 at the time, and they have since grown into two extraordinary women whom I love and cherish with all my being.
We've been through a lot these many years, Diane and I. No, it was not all bad, and I don't want to give that impression. I have never been with someone who makes me smile as much, and I can't possibly express how wonderful it makes me feel when she looks at me the way she does. We were poor to start with, and we're certainly not wealthy now, but we have found ways to make things work by working together. We've made it through rehab, cancer, teenage angst, ex-husbands, through personal and professional disappointments, through family tragedies and the loss of friends. We were also together to share all of the joys, fellowships, triumphs, and blessed events of our lives. And through it all, we stand hand in hand today. The troubles of our lives do not seem as daunting when taken in the context of our long journey together. The good memories are so very sweet, and as for the rest...what does not kill, truly does make one stronger.
I still remember, many moons ago, when we were first falling in love, and we were both frankly a bit scared of the prospect, that we sat on her couch in her living room late one night. We talked about how we were feeling, and how wonderful and frightening it was. We had shared our first dance...and our first kiss. As we looked deeply into each other's eyes, I knew way down in my soul that I loved her, and I prayed that I would know just what to say, and have the courage to say it. Most of these critical moments in our lives go unrecognized when they happen, but I knew that night would determine the path of my life forever after.
I looked at Diane and said, "I guess what I'm asking for is for you to just give me a chance." My prayers were answered, and I am grateful to this day that she had the courage to say, "I will." Less than a year later, we both stood before God and man and said, "I do."
And I still do. And I always will. Happy anniversary, princess. And happy birthday, too. I have loved and always will love you.
I honor that place in you where love resides. I honor that place in you of truth, of beauty, of love, of light. And if you are in that place in you And I am in that place in me Then there is only one of us.