maintained by Mark Anthony Key




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Thursday, August 18, 2005

An open letter to Cindy Sheehan 

Ms. Sheehan:

Before I say anything, let me express my heartfelt condolences for the loss of your son. I cannot begin to imagine what you went through emotionally, and I won’t waste your time with platitudes that, given the context of this letter, you may not believe anyway. Just know that I am truly sorry that your son died.

That having been said…please shut up and go home.

I believe in our country, ma’am. There are many things about it that could use a little improvement, but I like the Constitution the way it is, especially the First Amendment. Soldiers like your son have fought and died for generations to keep our country free, and to protect the rights that you and your supporters freely exercise today. Many of us are exercising the right to not listen to you, especially now that your message has become more strident and angry, and the words from your lips seem written by the pens of others.
I just wanted you to know that I see clearly, and I can see right through you. You and your friends obviously have an agenda, and you are associated with people who will stop at nothing, stoop to any level, tell any lie, and do anything they can to further their cause, no matter who it hurts or whose memory it dishonors…including your own son’s. You were an activist for left-wing causes long before your son was killed, and your unreasoned hatred of our president and our nation is clear in every sarcastic, spiteful word you have said and continue to say. Expressions of dissent are admirable and patriotic, but in terms of taste, decency and truth you are way out of bounds. Using your son’s casket as a soapbox is reprehensible, and it totally diminishes whatever points you are trying to make.
Personally, I think the President should talk to you. I think he should come right out to the road and talk to you in front of everyone. Then, when you lose what is left of your mind and start shouting and spitting your hate and contempt at the man, the entire world will see you as you really are, and there’ll be no way to spin it around. It won't happen, of course, but it would be very enlightening for many people.
I hope that you get to feeling better, and pray that you find a healthy way to heal your wounds. But your fifteen minutes are way up. Please, in the name of decency, just go home.

Mark Key
American by birth, Native Texan by the grace of God, and Conservative by Reasoned Choice.